Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Quick Dose of Craziness...

  I know that i am way past due for a "real" blog update, and there have been more than enough happenings to fill many pages on my blog, but, like most moms, i am incredibly busy on most days, and even more so through the holidays. Never the less, a few things have happened lately that I thought were funny enough to constitute quick post. But, I am biased....

  The thing that makes Little N hilarious is also the thing that makes me incredibly nervous when we meet new people. I never know where his mind is on a subject, and i absolutely never know what he is going to say. He never outright lies just to get away with something, or at least not anymore than any other five year old boy who is scared of getting in trouble, but he does exaggerate things. Which would not be so bad, except sometimes he really convinces himself of what he is saying, and then will argue down to prove his (way far out there) point. This is is really information for a future post, but the point I am trying to get across today is that you never, ever, ever know what is going to come out of his mouth. For example, last week my Dad was visiting. He and Little N were sitting on the couch watching Dr. Who, and apparently the doctor did something that N didn't think was very smart because he looked right at my Daddy and, plain as day just like it was  something that he said all of the time, says "Well, what the hell did he do that for?"  I was shocked, and if I am honest, a little tickled. Okay, a lot tickled, but i didn't want to let him know that. From the look on my Dad's face, I am pretty sure that he felt the same way. It's not really that bad of a thing to say, as far as "bad words" go,  but I definitely do not want my five year old going around saying "what the hell". So we explain to him that it is not a nice thing to say, and he argues that it isn't a bad word at all.  E decides to pipe in with "Do what i do. Just find a different word to say instead." This would be great advice, except it turns out that E says "What the ffffffffflap-doodle" with a lot of emphasis on that first F sound. ME and Justin looked at each other- because- well- you know what it sounded like he was about to say....

Tree Poop...

    Our discussions in the car range from boring and mundane to out there....mostly they are out there. Today was definitely no different. I picked the littles ups from school and headed into town to run a few errands. Little N was kind of grouchy and just sat quietly in his seat, daydreaming, while E filled me in on everything that happened in his day. And i do mean everything. E does not believe in leaving out details. I say that he tells stories like his Aunt Jill- no leaving out the boring bits. (I told you my two are total opposites)  He is telling me how many bites he took of his chicken sandwich and what this and that person said...and he is doing it all in his attempt at a British accent (thank you Dr. Who...just....thanks). He is calling me governor, and calling his friends his mates, the whole shebang. don't get me wrong, I really love talking to my big man, but after fifteen minutes of  his cockney-Texas hybrid accent, i a little relieved when Little N piped in with, "Mom. I just. I just really am wondering about something" His little face actually looked forlorn, making my heart break just a little when i thought of what he was about to say. Was someone being mean? Did he get in trouble? Did he have a rough day?  You know that kinds of things that run through your mind whenever one of your littles say that they need to talk and look sad. Little N takes a deep breath and says, "Its just that, I have been wondering. How does trees poop? And where does it go?"
                                             The mini Drs fast at work.... They are Dr. Who obsessed.

...And Destruction!

   We celebrate imagination at Circ De Shotwell. I encourage my boys to read, and "play pretend" outside. I love it when they make up stories, and are so into a game that it is almost like they actually see the fantasy world that they have concocted around them. But even a big imagination can have it's downfalls. I was starting supper when Little N ran  inside with  tears in his eyes, and I can tell he is about to use the dreaded "whiny voice". ( Like all kids, mine go through spells of being  best friends....and mortal enemies.) Sure enough, he opens his dirt ringed mouth, and in his perfected five year old whine says, "Mama! Eddie is being so so mean to me! He, he... he won't stop chopping down all of my trees! He is just destroying the forest I grew on my planet and it took me years, until i was an old man to grow those trees! Mom, he won't be happy until its total destruction!" Biting back my smile, I asked him if he had asked his brother to stop and to be nice. Well, of course he did. "But all he does, mom, is jump in the tardis and yell to me, 'so long sucker! Have fun on your dead planet!' It's just not fair. It took me a lifetime to grow those trees." 

Later Tater